Sunday, February 28, 2010

Gaslight Theater

At night, Carol and Alex took us to the Gaslight Theater. We saw The Cisco Kid and it was really funny. The actors did a great job and the music was wonderful.Some crazy people on their way to the show....The curtain before it went up....we were directly in front of it in the first row of tables.The Gaslight band. She was an awesome piano player.The place was packed. You couldn't move if you wanted to.

Trail Dust Town

Today we went to Marjorie and Milton's church. Then we drove out to the Mission San Xavier del Bac founded in 1699 by the Jesuit Missionary Father Kino. It is an amazing piece of architecture with a lot of interesting history.

  Then Bob took me around to all the places he wanted me to see of where he grew up, like his old house and school and the field that is not a field anymore where he hunted rabbits. We drove through downtown Tucson, which seemed much smaller to me than I expected. It had a few tall buildings, but the outerlying area is so flat with all these one story small buildings, it makes those tall building stick out like a sore thumb.

At night we went to Trail Dust Town. There were some cute old west shops and usually there are stuntmen who fall off buildings and such, but they weren't there because it was raining.

We had dinner at Pinnacle Peak and had cowboy steaks and beans. This was a crazy place that if you wear a neck tie, they cut it off with scissors and tack it to the wall. Unfortunately, the guys all forgot to wear ties. It was a good day and the rain did not stop us at all. This was our only day of rain.

The newly engaged couple, Carol and Alex

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Rennaisance Faire

Today we drove up to Apache Junction, almost to Phoenix to go to the Renaissance Festival. It was just Bob, Milton and me because everyone else had something else to do and couldn't come. It was a pretty big village with lots of shops and attractions. There were jugglers and musicians and the big turkey legs everyone was eating that made them look like Henry IIIV. We watched a glass blower make a beautiful glass bowl and a quartet of lady singers that had big feather eyelashes, and other interesting musiciansBagpipes , drums and bellydancers - an interesting combination and then went to a joust. Oh and we even rode an elephant! I loved the costumes and Bob loved watching the craftsmen at their various trades.

As we were leaving, we were greeted by this sign....

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Desert Museum

Today I got to see the Sonoran Desert complete with many varieties of cacti and creatures, like the havalina, a native animal that looks like a hairy pig, but is not a pig. And this Harris Hawk that would come when the trainer would call him...This is a real roadrunner....beep, beep!And a hummingbird in a nest. Bob took about 1,000 pictures of hummingbirds!And one of many rattlesnakes. Thank goodness they were behind glass.We ate at a really nice restaurant at the museum. Our yummy desert...Besides the restaurant, giftshop and a few exhibits, most of the museum was outside. We walked over the trails all day. My sunburn got a little worse, my alergies went wild and my digestive system started to rebel. By the time we left, I was not in great shape, but we had fun.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tucson Rodeo

Then we went into the stadium for the Rodeo. Bob got me a cowboy hat to keep the sun off my face and some new sunglasses, but it was already too late. The red didn't really show up until night time. Bob had never been to the rodeo in all the years that he lived in Tucson, so he was having a great time. This is him looking at some hand tooled leather saddles. We had a chili dog and fresh squeezed lemonade. The weather was beautiful. Every direction that you looked, you saw mountains.

This is a group of lady precision riders. A bull and the rodeo clowns.