Friday, February 26, 2010

The Desert Museum

Today I got to see the Sonoran Desert complete with many varieties of cacti and creatures, like the havalina, a native animal that looks like a hairy pig, but is not a pig. And this Harris Hawk that would come when the trainer would call him...This is a real roadrunner....beep, beep!And a hummingbird in a nest. Bob took about 1,000 pictures of hummingbirds!And one of many rattlesnakes. Thank goodness they were behind glass.We ate at a really nice restaurant at the museum. Our yummy desert...Besides the restaurant, giftshop and a few exhibits, most of the museum was outside. We walked over the trails all day. My sunburn got a little worse, my alergies went wild and my digestive system started to rebel. By the time we left, I was not in great shape, but we had fun.

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