Monday, March 1, 2010

Kartchner Caverns

Today we drove out to Kartchner Caverns, which is in Benson. First we went on the Big Room tour. We rode a tram

up to the entrance of the cave and then walked though three sets of big refrigerator doors in the side of a mountain to enter into the Big Room

that was full of all these neat limestone and calcite formations that they named all after food, like bacon, turnips, soda straws, popcorn. I guess they must have been hungry! After the tour we went back down on the tram and had a picnic

 and looked at the beautiful Whetstone Mountains. It was a sunny but mild day and the sky was blue with puffy white clouds.

Then we went on the other tour to explore the Rotunda/Throne Room that has the largest column formation in Arizona, nicknamed Kubla Kahn. At that point they sat us down on benchs and while music played, the lights played on all the different formations. It was so cool.

This is me in front of a replica of a Great Sloth of which they found bones in the cave.

The cave is under this mountain

After we left, we drove to the town of Tombstone.

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