Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Botanical Gardens

         Today we went to the Botanical Gardens.  Here is Bob with the chili pepper decorations on the sign.

The slats on the window shutters here are made out of the inside woody remains of a sagauro cactus when it dies.  They never waste anything around here.

                        They had a butterfly exhibit in a small greenhouse building.

  We all spent a lot of time chasing around butterfies trying to catch a picture.

I love blue butterflies but this poor one looks  like it's been in a fight.

                                                    Bob loves taking pictures of butterflies.

 We have almost as many pictures of butterflies as we do hummingbirds from the Desert Museum.

I got to be a butterfly for a day!

   Outside they had many cacti and trees and some flowers, but not many.

This is an ugly beast!

                 They had some really pretty tile benches and fountains.

We heard songbirds in the tree.  Bob caught a picture of this beautiful cardinal.
After visiting the giftshop, where Bob bought me a pretty lizard decoration,

we went to Reid Park and had a picnic and then went to the Zoo

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