Thursday, March 4, 2010

Saying Goodby

Our last day in Tucson. We went out to breakfast and said our goodbyes and then on to the airport. We had a great vacation and we can't wait to come back and do all the things we missed. I want to go back to Tombstone, we didn't get to spend much time there. And Bob wants to go to the sky nights show at Kitt Peak because we had to cancel because not everyone could go that night. And sometime I want to go to the Grand Canyon, but that's pretty far away from Tucson, at least for this trip. It was nice seeing Bob's family and meeting Margorie's daughter, Martha and Martha's daughter, Haley and Haley's Dad, Jorge. Hopefully we will get to see some of them in Las Vegas this fall at Carol and Alex's wedding. We left the Tucson Airport at 1:55pm and got into Chicago at 6:10pm. We grabbed a hamburger in the airport and left Chicago at 7:35pm and arrived in Boston at 10:45pm. We caught the bus back to Dover and Lyzz and Nate picked us up and took us home to Acton, where we crashed into bed. I got up a few hours later and went into work by noon. I was really tired that night. Poor Bob had to drive Nate to Limestone (6 hours north) to JobCorp the next day. And then he turned around and drove back. I met him in Portland and we had a late night snack at Denny's and on to Acton, where he crashed. It was a crazy schedule, but we had a lot of fun.

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